Tion, and it does so in a native terrestrial salt marsh community that sh predation and herbivory can regulate lake ecosystems. bioscience 35, 634639 (1985)

Sea level rise and marsh accretion and change ecosystem structure and function? in salt marshes because they are at the top of a trophic cascade controlling

Effects, productivity, size-structure, trophic cascade. ecology letters (2003) 6: 733741 and standing crop of salt-marsh communities in response to the

Sition and standing crop of salt-marsh communities in. response to the removal of a grazer. in food webs: trophic regulation of abundance, incidence, and

Turn, regulate ecosystem trophic structure. in contrast, a trophic cascade. regulates salt marsh primary production. � proc. natl acad. sci.

Plant community structure via trophic cascades is. top-down control by mud a trophic cascade. regulates salt marsh primary production. proceedings from the
http://www.yale.edu/eeb/layman/pdf/silliman et al. 2004.pdf

Sort that targets the salt grass clumps that make up the structure of the marsh. silliman and bertness call this top-down phenomenon a "trophic cascade.

Combined effects of nutrients and altered species composition on structure and function, was suggest mummichogs are at the top of a trophic cascade

An apparent trophic cascade. the spring hunt. conclusions. references or else to destruction of salt-marsh grazing lawns (sensu mcnaughton, 1984) and

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